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Welcome to the Blog!

Hello to all my dog loving readers, welcome to One Sleepy Pup! My name is Brittany and I created One Sleepy Pup to help you learn how to meet your high energy dog’s needs so you and your dog can live happily together.

I was inspired to start this blog from learning how to live with my own super high energy dog, Leeloo. Leeloo is a two-year-old Alaskan Malamute (shown below in full crazy mode) that is full of fluff, happiness, and energy!

crazy sleepy puppy

High Energy = High Responsibilities

Before we got Leeloo, my partner and I knew we wanted a crazy smart and super high energy dog. We also knew that choosing a high energy dog came with great responsibilities!

Since I am a trained Biologist (yay science!) and LOVE doing research, I was excited to put all my research skills to use in a different way. My goal was to learn as much information as possible on all things high energy dog. I wanted to give my pup the best life possible!

For months, I devoured every article, book, and video I could find (only reputable sources of course!). I also had deep discussions with vets, dog trainers, and behaviorists. As a result, when we finally brought Leeloo home at 9 weeks old I thought we were well prepared!


The Reckoning

You can probably imagine how things turned out. Weeks go by and Leeloo is zooming through the house non-stop, using the couch for parkour. We take her for long walks to tire her out only to learn that afterwards, she seems like she has  GAINED energy.

We wearily ask the universe WHY ISN’T THIS PUP TIRED!

sleepy alaskan malamute

Fast forward two years and a TON more trial and error and research, and here I am, writing this article, with my Malamute fast asleep by my feet.

I have learned so much about how to live with this ball of craziness that I want to share it with other high energy dog parents. If you are pulling out your hair because your dog won’t calm down, this blog is for you! I was there too!

One of the major game changers for me was learning that I needed to, above all, tire Leeloo out both physically AND mentally every day. I’m not going to lie, it can be a challenge some days, but it is SO much fun for both of us.

Our bond grows even stronger and we also both get more exercise. On top of that, I can finally watch a movie without hearing a tennis ball incessantly squeak!

sleepy pup

Is One Sleepy Pup for you?

If you have a high energy dog or are considering adding one to your family, One Sleepy Pup is for you. This blog is a compilation of all the research I have done (and am currently doing!), the techniques I have implemented, and the things that have worked to help me live happily with my high energy dog.

Rather than doing all the research and trial and error yourself, let One Sleepy Pup do the work!

You will find fun and interesting ways to meet your dog’s mental and physical stimulation needs, reviews of the best toys to get that energy out, and everything else you need to keep your high energy dog happy, healthy, and sleepy.


About Us

About Us

Hi, I am Brittany and this is my Alaskan Malamute, Leeloo. I created the blog One Sleepy Pup  to provide you with informative and fun guides, articles, and activities that will not only help you bond more strongly with your dog, but will leave you with a sleepy bundle of fur at the end of the day.

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