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Welcome to One Sleepy Pup’s disclosure page. Although it does not include cute pictures of puppies, it does include very important information you should review before reading our content. is my personal blog. Its purpose is for education and general advice/information only. I base my content on my own up to date and extensive research and experiences. Any opinions shared are my own.

Although I try to provide accurate, general information about dog-related topics, it may not apply to you or your dog. I am not a veterinarian and any information on this blog should not be taken as medical information or advice. You should not rely on the content I provide as a replacement for contacting a veterinarian or a certified dog trainer. Those who do not seek the appropriate authority assume the liability for any injury which may occur.

One Sleepy Pup is a member of affiliate advertising programs. If you click on certain links on my site and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. I cannot be held liable for anything on websites that are linked to from my blog.

Additionally, One Sleepy Pup is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

I only include affiliate links and product recommendations for items or programs that I have personally used or recommend. I would never include a product that I did not find beneficial or of high quality. Sometimes I may receive compensation for a product review. Rest assured that I will always provide my own well-researched and honest thoughts on any product I include in my blog. I will never partner with a company that I do not fully stand behind.

For more information, please read my Privacy Policy.

For any questions at all, please Contact Me!